"Where is Africa rising to, when it is easier, 3 times cheaper, safer and less stressful to travel through Europe on a Nigerian passport? than it is to travel through Africa?", Nigerian Author and Satirist, Elnathan John, asked this recently on Twitter, and as we discuss the Tourism sector in Africa in course of this interview, this same issue was raised by my guest, Rosalin.
Rosalin Abigail Kyere-Nartey is a Global Shaper and Curator of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community in Kumasi, Ghana. She is also a Vital Voice Lead Fellow, Green Growth Tourism Advocate, Hospitality and Tourism consultant and social entrepreneur with extensive experience in tourism and hospitality management, program development and disaster management.
Rosalin is a seasoned and successful leader with a track record of producing, presenting and managing the implementation of innovative hospitality and tourism business solutions and services. She has over five years experience in the hospitality and the tourism sector.
In course of this stroll we discuss the potential of tourism to transform the African continent as well as some work from the Kumasi Hub in Ghana.