
7 April 2016

Explore Nigeria's New Fashion Capital at The Port Harcourt Fashion Festival, June 4th-5th, 2016

The Port Harcourt Fashion Festival is an experience. It is a colourful mélange of inspiration, clothing, glamour, creativity, glam, people and entertainment. World-class designers, design enthusiasts and a huge fashion community gathering in Port Harcourt, Nigeria’s new fashion capital.

The festival aims at showcasing the best of indigenous genius in the craft of fashion design, and engendering a dialogue between local and foreign; essentially providing a platform through which the global fashion community can see the best of contemporary fashion as well as the authentic, local bold fashion talent coming out of this unique city. This is the celebrated festival that tells the new fashion story out of Africa in the most accurate way possible. 

Art, culture, entertainment and of course fashion pieces from the best indigenous designers, are all highlights of the upcoming Port Harcourt Fashion Festival on the 4th and 5th of June, 2016. This festival is indeed a vibrant celebration of life, creativity and talent in 2016. Presenting the very best of Nigeria’s designers, the festival is a modern expression of cultural art: the urban proclamation of indigenous clothing design. We focus this year on connecting, sharing and growth as an emerging voice in the fashion industry, and as a platform for the celebration of our beautiful heritage. 

We welcome you to PHFF. Don’t blink. Don’t miss a thing. 

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