
19 October 2015

Lunaris Review Calls for Submissions

Lunaris Review , a Journal of Art and the Literary, is an online quarterly Journal based in Nigeria with the ultimate goal of bringing together creative minds to a common platform of artistry and beauty while providing the audience a satisfying read. The journal features fiction (flash fiction and short story), creative nonfiction, essays, poetry, artworks and photography by established and emerging writers and artistes all over the world.

General Guidelines

1. Lunaris Review accepts submission of flash fiction up to 1,000 words; short story and creative non-fiction up to 3,500 words, and essay not longer than 7,500 words. We do not accept sci-fi and erotic compositions.

2. Lunaris Review accepts poems of diverse thematic pre-occupations, forms and styles. Please do not send more than four poems per submission period and the length of individual poem should be under 40 lines. Although, longer poems would not be declined, but shorter poems would be given first consideration.

3. Visual Artwork (photographs inclusive) will be considered for the cover and/or interior of each issue. Please do not send more than seven pieces per submission period. Any format is acceptable. However, attach your works as high-resolution files.

4. In the body of the email, include; your name, your email, and a brief biography. 

5. In the subject line write in caps: YOUR NAME: SUBMISSION CATEGORY.

6. We publish only works that have not been published before, either online or in print. 

7. Multiple submissions are not accepted but we accept simultaneous submissions; however let us know right away when/if such work has been accepted elsewhere, in the case of which you would need to withdraw your submission 

8. All submissions should be sent as attachment in .doc or .pdf format using double line spacing to

Submissions are welcomed all year round. At Lunaris Review, it is all about sharing the aesthetic value of creativity. If you would like your work to be considered for our journal, our editorial team happily welcomes submissions of literary fiction (flash fiction and short story), creative nonfiction, essays, poetry, artworks and photography. We look forward to sharing your creativity. For further guidelines, please visit our submissions page.

Editorial Team,

Lunaris Review.

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