
20 April 2013



It's World health day again, and the theme for this year's celebration is; high blood pressure. Although its not popular like the notorious 'big killers'; AIDS,TB and Malaria. but it's surely one of the biggest contributors to the mortality rate around the world-- because of its silent technique.

Research has shown that 1 in 3 adults have high blood pressure(the chances tend to increase as people advance in age). And because it does'nt have obvious symptoms, we really don't know it's there till it has done the damage.

What damage does it do you ask. . . First, it increases the rate at which your heart works, and this increases the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. I even heard a new one today, high blood pressure can even lead to blindness!

Yes, its really that bad. And the only way to detect it is to get examined by a doctor. Now, this is where we have some problem, In this part of the world people don't really go to the hospital until they are hit. And I mean hit really bad, beyound the help of Paracetamol.

We need to respect our body, and understand that for us to enjoy good health, we need to take care of our body. And stop throwing tablets that are not prescribed into your mouth. Makesure you take yourself to the nearest hospital for check up today, and. . .

Note that prevention is still the best pill you can swallow. There are some habits you can inculcate to prevent high blood pressure;
*reduce salt intake
*eat balanced diet
*avoid alcohol consumption
*avoid tobacco and,
*exercise regularly. And don't forget to pray because it's only God that guarantees good health, I wish you good health, happy Health day :)

#Wikina Ebenezar--6paragraphs for UN
Photo Credit>ünay Mutlu

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