
18 May 2013

A STROLL WITH MILAN TRENC (For International Museum Day)

Source: Milan Trenc
If you’ve seen the 20th Century Fox Box Office thriller; “Night At The Museum”, then you should know Professor Milan Trenc.

Why? Well, because without him that movie would not have existed. The movie is an adaptation of a book he wrote and illustrated; “The Night At The Museum, a children book set in the New York Museum of Natural Sciences and published in 1993 by Barrons Juvenile.

For International Museum Day this year, I had a Stroll with Professor Milan and here is what we discussed;

Ebenezar: Thank you so much for having this Stroll with me Sir, I'd like to know  what was growing up in Zagreb like??  Was it Fun? Or would you have preferred growing up somewhere else.

Milan: Growing up in Zagreb was very much like any other middle sized city forty years ago in this part of the world.
As kids we used to play outside a lot, parents were not interfering much. I remember already at age of 8 or 9, me and my friends, we would go to the movies by our self. We loved Tarzan, Jerry Lewis and John Wayne movies.We used to play with marbles and little Matchbox cars. 

Ebenezar: You studied graphic arts and Film. why did you choose this Profession? Why didn't you become a Lawyer or maybe a Footballer.

Milan: Soccer player I couldn’t be, as I am very bad at soccer. Law I might be good at but for the stress. Ever since I was 4 or 5 I knew I will be an artist. I wanted to be a comic artist and later added film directing. Basically I am a storyteller in pictures.  I would have probably been a physicist or computer scientist if I wasn’t an artist. I love natural sciences.

Ebenezar: Oh... No wonder 'Night At The Museum' is set at the Museum of Natural Sciences...(smiles) Now, you are Popularly Known for your Picture book ''the Night at the  Museum'' which was made into two family films by 20th Century Fox. Both films were Box office block busters!! What inspired the book??  And what do you think about the movie version of the book?

Milan: I love the first movie, the second one is a classical spin-off and not a very good one at that. As for writing it, I just had an idea as I returned from the museum, grabbed a pencil and started drawing. It just poured out.

Ebenezar: Wow!!.. well, May 18th was International Museum day, what are the benefits of a Museum to the Society?? Why should we keep records of our Past??

Milan: It is very important to remember the past, in order to understand the future.

Ebenezar: These days we have digital Libraries, digital art galleries. . .with the way technology is moving; do you think we will have digital Museum's soon? And can a digital museum give you that 'museum experience'??

Milan: We are entering the world of virtual reality in the next decade or so. Digital museums will be fabulous I am sure. But seeing a real thing will still be different. There is a magic about it.

Ebenezar: Your Illustrations have appeared in the New York times, the New Yorker, and many other prestigious publications. Do you still do illustrations? And are there any dreams you still wish to fulfill before you retire??

Milan: I go through phases between many “hats” I wear. Last season I did many illustrations but this year I am producing a TV series so I am resting from illustrations. I will not retire for many years to come. And I am still figuring out what is it I really want to do.

Ebenezar:  (hahaha)...Thank you so much for having this Stroll with me, Happy International Museum Day :)

Milan: Thank you too, it was my pleasure.

For more about Professor Milan Trenc, You can visit
Till my next Stroll, Remember that the past is only a chapter in the book of your life. Don't dwell too much on it because the story is not yet complete. Keep writing!!!! Stay Alive!!!! Jesus Loves you...

BY: Ebenezar Wikina (@PoeticJazz)
THE STROLL, May 2013. 
All Rights Reserved

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